MissEVAN Diamante - Recarga barata e segura no Top Up Live


ImageNão aplicável a ESTADOS UNIDOS

Note:Only Chinese phone number is supported

valor nominal

100 Diamonds

100 Diamonds
$ 1.62

200 Diamonds

200 Diamonds
$ 3.12

500 Diamonds

500 Diamonds
$ 7.52

1000 Diamonds

1000 Diamonds
$ 15.03

2000 Diamonds

2000 Diamonds
$ 30.08

5000 Diamonds

5000 Diamonds
$ 75.23

10000 Diamonds

10000 Diamonds
$ 150.34
Recarga de conta
$ 0.00

How to buy MissEVAN FM diamond?

This product is automatically recharged by the system, please [select the denomination to be recharged] - [recharge account fill in the registered and used cell phone number] - [submit the order and payment]! Generally, the payment will arrive within one minute after completion!

Como verificar o ID de

Note:Only Chinese phone number is supported。

How long does it take to arrive after successful payment?

fast buy online MissEVAN Diamond, After the order is paid successfully, generally within 1 minute automatically recharge to the account, peak time may need to queue, such as more than 30 minutes did not reach the account please contact customer service for advice.

How to check the purchase result and diamond balance?

Open [MissEVAN FM] App - [My] - [My Wallet] - [Transaction History] to check!

Can I get a refund if I fill in the wrong account number or overcharge?

Because it is a virtual product, you can't get a refund or make up the difference by filling in the wrong cell phone account. Note that MissEVAN FM does not support overseas users' cell phone numbers for the time being!

Click to download the APP and enjoy the ultra-low exclusive price of MissEVAN Diamond

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